How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?

TANYA (1).png
Tetiana Zhudyk
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How Often Should You Walk Your Dog: Answering Your Common Questions

Are you a devoted dog owner seeking to strike the perfect balance between your furry friend's exercise needs and your daily routine? The age-old question, "How often should you walk your dog?" echoes through the minds of pet enthusiasts everywhere.


Regardless of the breed or age, all dogs need walking as it provides them with physical activity and mental stimulation and strengthens your bond with them. Not to mention their basic need to toilet somewhere that’s not your home. In this article, we will answer the typical questions you may have about your pooch’s activity level.

Puppy vs. Adult Dog: How Often Should I Walk Them?

How often should I walk my puppy?

Puppies are like little whirlwinds of energy and curiosity. For these budding canines, shorter, more frequent walks are the name of the game. Here's a roadmap:

  • 3-4 Months: Think of 5 mini-adventures a day, each spanning 10-15 minutes. Puppies have itty-bitty bladders, so regular pit stops are a must.

  • 3-6 Months: Start extending those trips to 20-30 minutes, but stick with little and often.

  • 6 Months and Beyond: As your pup matures, you can shift to 2-3 longer outings per day, ranging from 30-60 minutes each. But keep an eye on their comfort and avoid pushing too hard.

Always make sure you not only follow the instructions but pay attention to the individual needs of your dog.

how often should you walk a puppy

How often should I walk my adult dog?

On the other hand, adult dogs have more stable energy levels, but they're not one-size-fits-all. Most adult dogs will thrive with a daily stroll of 30 minutes to an hour. Keep in mind that your dog's breed, size, and health influence their walking routine.

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When we consider the physical traits and needs of different dog breeds, we can classify their energy levels into three categories. This guides us in adapting our walking routines:

Low activity breeds

  • Chihuahua
  • Dachshund
  • French Bulldog
  • Goldendoodle
  • Shih Tzu
  • Yorkshire Terrier

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Dogs of this activity level usually need to walk up to 1h a day and don’t generally need extra activities during their walk.

Moderate activity breeds

  • American Bulldog
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Beagle
  • Bull Terrier
  • Golden Retriever Training
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Rottweiler

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Dogs of this activity level usually need to walk up to 2h a day, and the walk should involve playtime.

High activity breeds

  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • American Cocker Spaniel
  • Australian Shepherd
  • Belgian Malinois
  • Border Collie
  • German Shepherd
  • Rottweiler
  • Siberian Husky

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Dogs of this activity level usually need to walk up to 2h a day or more, and the walk should involve extra active training and active games (running, swimming, frisbee, etc).

how often should i train my dog

Sometimes, however, your dog might have individual traits that set them apart from others of their breed, and that's perfectly fine. In such instances, it's essential to tailor your training and walking routines to cater to your pet's unique requirements.

Remember, walking your pooch is not just about the duration; it's about the quality. Let your dog sniff, explore, and enjoy the world around them. Mental stimulation is as vital as the physical kind. You can find more breed and age-relevant dog walking advice in the Woofz app.

How often should I walk my senior dog?

Walking a senior dog is about taking it slow and steady.

First, get your vet's advice to understand your dog's unique health needs. Aim for shorter, more frequent walks, usually around 15 to 30 minutes, adjusted to your dog's pace. Let them take their time to sniff and explore. Pay attention to the weather and keep them comfortable. Regular vet check-ups are necessary, and always be ready to adapt your routine to your senior dog's changing needs.

Wrap Up

To wrap up, crafting the perfect walking routine for your dog is a journey of understanding, adaptability, and love. Whether your furry companion is a spirited puppy, an active adult, or a much-loved senior, adjusting their walks to their unique needs ensures a harmonious and healthy relationship.

These daily strolls are more than just exercise; they're precious moments to cherish in the company of your loyal friend. So, clip on that leash, embark on your adventures, and savor every step together.

Written by

TANYA (1).png
Tetiana Zhudyk

Woofz Content Manager with a deep passion for dogs and a strong affinity for positive reinforcement training methods.

Reviewed by

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Annie-Mae Levy

Experienced dog trainer with Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Behavior. Diplomaed dog nutritionist. CFBA Accredited Canine Behaviorist