Beyond Fetch: Creative Ways to Provide Mental Stimulation for Dogs

TANYA (1).png
Tetiana Zhudyk
Updated on

Ever wondered whether your pooch needs mental stimulation? Without a doubt, yes! Dogs, being remarkably intelligent, seek activities to engage their brains. If they can’t find any, they might resort to crafting their own entertainment – be it redecorating your sofa or taste-testing wires.

Yet, the benefits of mental stimulation extend beyond preventing mischief. It bestows upon your canine companion:

  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Enhanced overall well-being and mood
  • Diminished stress and anxiety

Keep in mind that larger and more active breeds crave extra mental exercise compared to their petite counterparts. Typically, dogs require 30-60 minutes of mental stimulation each day. Let's find out how you can fulfill this need for your beloved pooch!

How to Provide Mental Stimulation for Dogs?

There are different ways of providing mental stimulation for your dog, including interactive toys, brain games, canine sports, and other engaging activities. In this section, you’ll find a variety of suggestions and tips to keep your furry friend mentally engaged and happy. You can choose your favorite one, but don't forget to always mix it up!

Interactive Toys and Brain Games

Interactive toys and brain games are a great way to keep your pooch entertained when home alone (preventing destructive habits and problem behaviors!), develop their cognitive skills, and fulfill their need to "work for food." This type of stimulation is suitable for all dogs regardless of their age, breed, or activity level.

Below, you’ll find some products that you can purchase for your dog:

1. A Stuffed KONG


A stuffed KONG is a durable toy that you can fill with treats or peanut butter. Dogs enjoy trying to get the treats out, which keeps them busy and mentally engaged. It's a fun and effective way to alleviate boredom, promote problem-solving, and satisfy your dog's chewing instincts. Plus, it's great for calming anxious dogs and providing an outlet for excess energy.

2. Puzzle Games

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Dog puzzle games are like fun toys that make your dog think. You hide treats inside, and your dog has to figure out how to get them. These games help your dog stay smart, avoid getting bored, and playfully use up some energy. It's a simple and enjoyable tool to keep your dog happy and mentally active.

You can find out more about various mental stimulation toys in the Woofz app in our Home Alone course.

3. Slow Feeders

slow feeder.svg

Another great way to keep your pooch healthy and stimulate them mentally is slow feeders.

These are special bowls (with patterns inside that turn mealtime into a fun puzzle) that make your dog eat more slowly. Eating slowly is good for your dog's tummy as it promotes better digestion and helps prevent various health problems.

Note that slow feeders are suitable for dogs who are still beginners in mental stimulation games, as they do not involve difficult tasks that require high cognitive skills.

dog mental stimulation
Frederica Caneiro

Simple DIY slow feeder

Creating a simple DIY slow feeder for your dog is easy and can be done with regular household items.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

Materials Needed:

  • Large, Shallow Container: Choose a container with low sides and enough surface area for your dog's meal.

  • Plastic Cups or Small Bowls: Opt for plastic cups or small bowls to serve as obstacles in the slow feeder.

  • Non-Toxic Adhesive (Optional): If desired, use a non-toxic adhesive to secure the cups or bowls to the base.

How-to guide:

Step 1. Select the Container:

Choose a container that is large enough to hold your dog's meal comfortably. The container should have low sides to allow easy access to the food.

Step 2. Arrange Plastic Cups or Bowls:

Place plastic cups or small bowls upside down inside the container. These will act as obstacles to slow down your dog's eating.

Step 3. Space the Obstacles:

Space the cups or bowls evenly across the surface of the container. Ensure there is enough room between each obstacle to create a challenging yet accessible feeding area.

Step 4. Secure if Necessary:

If you want a more stable structure, you can use a non-toxic adhesive to secure the cups or bowls to the base. Be sure it's pet-safe and won't come off during use.

Step 5. Add Food:

Place your dog's food in the container, allowing it to settle around the obstacles. Ensure the food is spread out, encouraging your dog to navigate around the cups or bowls.

Step 6. Introduce to Your Dog:

Introduce the slow feeder to your dog during mealtime. Encourage them to eat, and they will need to work around the obstacles to access their food.


  • Supervise your dog initially to ensure they understand the concept and don't become frustrated.

  • Start with larger obstacles and adjust as needed based on your dog's comfort level. Clean the slow feeder regularly for hygiene.

If, however, your pooch is a complete beginner in mental stimulation exercises, this type of slow feeder might be too challenging for them. In that case, you can put food in a towel or blanket and roll it until the treats are hidden. This way, the dog will have to figure out where the treats are and how to reach them.

Games You Can Play Together

Apart from interactive toys, there are plenty of ways you can both improve your relationship with your dog and provide them with mental stimulation. Games are one of them. The best thing about games is that you can truly have fun together. You can pick one below or even try them all!

Where is the toy?

This game is great to use your dog's sense of smell, making it fun and interactive. It keeps your dog thinking and listening to your commands.

Here is how you can play with your pooch:

Step 1. Grab two cardboard boxes and put a toy in one. Allow your dog to watch the setup, then close the box.

where is the toy.svg

Step 2. Swap the boxes a few times. Present both boxes to your dog and see if they can locate the toy.

where is the toy 2.svg

Step 3. If successful, reward them with a tasty treat; if not, give it another shot. Add more boxes for an extra challenge, or hide them throughout your home.

where is the toy 4.svg

Pro Tip: Designate a special toy exclusively for this game, creating a playful association for your pet.

Find the treat

This game makes your dog think, beats boredom, and brings you closer.

Here is how you can play with your pooch:

Step 1. Request the dog to sit and stay.

Step 2. Hide treats in the house.

Step 3. Encourage them to find it.

If you want to make it harder:

  • Hide the treats under the carpets.
  • Inside cardboard boxes.
  • Over beds, chairs, or other furniture.
  • In more hidden places.

Hide and seek

Dogs love this game just like children do! Go ahead and try it now:

Step 1. Seek out the ideal hiding spot.

hide and seek 1.svg

Step 2. Before you vanish, prompt your dog to “Sit” and “Wait.”

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Step 3. When you're set, invite your furry friend to seek you out.

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Step 4. Show your appreciation with a reward once they succeed.

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Top Tip: Elevate the fun by gradually choosing trickier hiding spots as your pup becomes a hide-and-seek pro!

Learning New Commands

Teaching your dog commands and tricks is a fun way to make them think. It helps you bond, improves communication, and gives them a routine. It keeps them physically active and confident. Good training also stops them from getting bored and helps them happily learn new things. The Woofz app can be your personal guide in this journey.

The Art of Sniffing and Walking

Walking and sniffing are vital for a dog's mental stimulation. Sniffing engages their keen sense of smell, acting as a mental workout and providing cognitive enrichment. It's a natural behavior that offers environmental exploration, prevents boredom, and contributes to overall well-being.

This combo of physical and mental exercise not only strengthens the bond between dogs and owners but also helps release energy, reduce stress, and foster a content and balanced lifestyle.

Agility and Other Canine Sports

For dogs with high levels of activity (e.g., Border Collies, Jack Russells, Australian Shepherds), if they don’t have any medical conditions that prohibit jumping and high-intensity exercises, there are various dog sports that you can do to provide them with beneficial physical activity and mental stimulation.


  • Description: Agility involves navigating through a timed obstacle course, including jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and more.
  • Benefits: Agility boosts your dog's fitness, coordination, and how well they follow your commands. Plus, figuring out the course keeps their brain active and engaged!


  • Description: Flyball is a relay race where dogs jump over hurdles, trigger a spring-loaded box to release a tennis ball, and then carry the ball back to their handler.
  • Benefits: It helps your dog think fast, stay coordinated, and learn about teamwork.

Canine Freestyle (Dog Dancing):

  • Description: Canine freestyle involves choreographing dance routines with dogs, showcasing a combination of obedience, tricks, and dance moves.
  • Benefits: Canine freestyle challenges your dog mentally with training and memorization. Plus, the physical part boosts agility and coordination.

Canine Nosework:

  • Description: Dogs use their sense of smell to locate specific scents in various environments.
  • Benefits: This activity taps into your dog's natural instincts, making their nose even sharper. It's like a mental workout that enriches their experience.

Disc Dog (Frisbee):

  • Description: Dogs catch flying discs, showcasing acrobatic jumps and catches.
  • Benefits: Catching discs is a fantastic workout that boosts your dog's fitness and agility. The mental focus needed to track and catch the disc adds an extra layer of stimulation.

Herding Trials:

  • Description: Herding trials assess a dog's ability to herd livestock, showcasing their natural herding instincts.
  • Benefits: This sport provides physical exercise and mental stimulation and allows dogs to engage in a behavior rooted in their breed's history.

Mental Stimulation Rules

Apart from the fun, we shouldn’t forget that creating mental stimulation for your dog involves incorporating a few rules and guidelines to ensure a positive and enriching experience.

Here are some mental stimulation rules for dogs:

Safety First:

Ensure that any toys or activities provided are safe and free from potential hazards, such as small parts that could be swallowed.

Supervision is Key:

Always supervise your dog during mental stimulation activities to prevent accidents and address any issues promptly.

Start Simple:

Introduce mental stimulation gradually to avoid frustration, starting with simple activities before progressing to more complex ones. This allows your dog to build confidence and interest.

Don’t Be Boring:

Gradually increase the difficulty of mental stimulation exercises based on your dog's progress. A repetitive routine can lead to boredom, so make sure to provide a variety of challenges.

Positive Reinforcement:

Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to reward your dog for engaging in mental stimulation activities. This strengthens the connection between the activity and positive experiences.

Adapt to Your Dog's Age and Health:

Consider your dog's age, health, and physical condition when planning mental stimulation. Adjust activities to accommodate any specific requirements.

Mix Physical and Mental Exercise:

Combine physical exercise with mental stimulation for a well-rounded experience. Activities like fetch, combined with obedience commands, provide both mental and physical benefits.

Consistency Is Key:

Establish a consistent routine for mental stimulation to help your dog anticipate and enjoy these activities. Regular engagement contributes to a happy and content canine.

Tailor to Breed Instincts:

Recognize and incorporate activities that align with your dog's breed instincts. For example, herding breeds like Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dogs, German Shepherds, etc., may enjoy activities that tap into their natural herding instincts.

Monitor Stress Levels:

Be attentive to your dog's stress levels during mental stimulation. If an activity seems overwhelming or causes anxiety, modify or discontinue it.

Variety Matters:

Provide a variety of mental stimulation activities to keep your dog mentally engaged. Puzzle toys, scent games, and obedience training all contribute to a well-rounded mental workout.

Wrap Up

We trust this guide shed some light on the importance of mental stimulation for your dog. You can dive into the joy of experimenting with games and interactive toys or even consider a trip to an agility sports school with your dog. Just make sure you always prioritize your dog's enjoyment, breed needs, and safety, ensuring a delightful time together!

Written by

TANYA (1).png
Tetiana Zhudyk

Woofz Content Manager with a deep passion for dogs and a strong affinity for positive reinforcement training methods.

Reviewed by

Frederica Caneiro

Certified dog trainer, exclusive positive reinforcement methods & tackling aggression problems.